Tuesday, March 31, 2009

This post is for my blog reader Naomi

For those of you who follow my blog, you can probaly tell that I struggle with keeping it updated. I don't consider myself much of a writer and I think this keeps me from posting. Even though each session is unique and I really enjoy them, I really don't enjoy the process of writing about them. Make sense? So, I tend to be sparse in my posts. I'll try to do a better job, because it really is neat when someone you've never met before (Naomi) says, "Hey, I read your blog!" Thanks for motivating me to update my blog Naomi! :)

I did this session quite a while back. It was really a newborn session, but I took more images of the big brother than the newborn. First of all, the baby wouldn't go to sleep. And secondly, her big brother is such a ham for the camera I couldn't resist. She wasn't exactly liking the no-clothing situation, so I think that kept her awake.


Isn't this tiger awesome!?! He had a great time playing hide-and-seek with me under this giant stuffed tiger.

Having a new baby sister really wears you out. :)

This sweet little girl had so much hair! And it stuck out all crazy.