Monday, November 03, 2008

sneak peek

I wanted to get this sneak peek out tonight for the mom-to-be. :)

They chose to not know the sex of the baby. I would go crazy! LOL.

It was a beautiful night at the park with lots of wildlife that needed to be chased away. Literally. The squirrels and glossy ibises wouldn't leave us alone!

Just a super nice couple very excited for baby. Can't wait for the little one to arrive. :)

Saturday, October 18, 2008


The All Faiths Food Bank will be holding "Bowls of Hope" - their annual soup tasting event on Sunday, November 9, 2008 from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Phillippi Estate Park. For a donation of $25 you get to take home a handmade bowl and will receive three soup tastings, a beverage, bread, pastries and cookies.

My husband, son and I attended this event last year for the first time. What a great way to get outside, try out some of the different food from local vendors and support a great cause.

All Faiths Food Bank provides food for 9,200 meals daily. That's a lot of people without food. Money is tight these days, but I urge you to please consider those in need by attending this event. I hope to see you there!

Too stinkin' cute!

Our good friends and their little girl just came down for a visit. She is just so cute I can't stand it! I kept saying that the whole time they were here. She was soooo good about letting us dress her up in clothes that were way too hot for the 90 degrees that it still is outside. We had fans going to keep her and us cool. The images I got were so worth the sweat though!

This outfit is from The Children's Place. Too stinkin' cute! :)

She absolutely loves Elmo right now. Every time she sees him she starts to make these hysterical faces. Cracks me up every time I see it.

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

isn't she lovely?

I took portraits of this little girl six years ago and she was a beautiful baby.

Look at the beautiful little girl she has become...

She had no interest whatsoever in eating this lollipop and that was fine by me. She started to wonder if we were ever going to stop playing hide-and-seek behind it though. :)

Dad got a laugh out of her towards the end of the session.

She was happy to do anything I suggested. Wanna' blow bubbles? Sure. Wanna' do the hoola hoop? Sure. Wanna' sit here on the hard rocks near this viney plant? Not so much - but she did it anyway.This is an extra long sneak peek for mom, who has been patiently waiting to see these images. :)

Sunday, September 07, 2008

the many faces of a toddler

She just leaned forward and gave me the cutest grin ever. Super sweet.

This is what I get for making this face at her. LOL. :)

Showing off those pearly whites.

Just plain tired.

Thursday, September 04, 2008

holiday card preview

Christmas in September?!? I know it seems a little early to be planning for the holidays, but the fall always seems to go by so quickly. My husband and I turned on the radio in July and they were playing Christmas music all day. Turns out they do this every year, but before I knew that my thought was, "Boy, whoever left the Christmas music on all day is gonna' be F-I-R-E-D." :)
Anyway...a little bit about the cards. The samples above are 5x5 and 5x7 in size. I can design them to fit different sizes as well, but I just wanted to get the new ones out so they could be seen. The cards with color bars that run across can have customized text. The inside of the card can be customized as well. The back side of the cards will be the pattern from the front.
If you have any questions, feel free to e-mail me. Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2008

announcing...wild sorbet frames

Wild Sorbet Framing Company is wonderful and hip! They have great color combinations and contemporary styles you're sure to love. I so needed a change in framing companies and this is a great company to make the change to.

Check out their great selections at

I especially like their new "trimlings" line. So perfect for infants and children! Here's an image from their website that shows their wavy trimlings:

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

she just makes me smile

this is my godchild. she is absolutely adorable. i was so excited to photograph her since i haven't seen her since she was about a week old.

not sure if she was working on push ups here or just contemplating the quilt.

this makes me giggle. her mom loves it when she makes this face. guess who got her to make it? daddy. :) no surprise there as he is a funny guy.

look at those big eyes, those big cheeks, that wonderful toothless smile. i could just eat her up!

miss you little e! see you at christmastime.

Monday, August 04, 2008

warning: serious heartthrob

I've said it before, and I'll say it again...I LOVE RED HAIR. I am sooooo biased (being a redhead myself), but I don't think you'll disagree with me when I say that he has got to be the most handsome red-headed boy I think I've ever seen! And he's so sweet to boot!

He was getting pretty burnt out by this point, but his mom got a nice laugh out of him. I have another image I love where he's laughing so hard that his little nose is all wrinkled up. I love it!

This was very much a play session. He might disagree a little if you ask him, but he really got to play most of the session at the park. It was hot as you can tell. Looking forward to the end of summer here already (speaking for myself).

Messing around with some flare shots. Not sure if it loooks the way I had intended, but I still like it. Thanks for the great session C - you were awesome!